A Simple Guide to Herbs


Click on the first letter of a herb to read a brief description of its health benefits.

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Alfalfa Part Used: Whole herb & Leaf
Arthritis support, blood purifier, excellent source of nutritive properties with minerals, chlorophyll & vitamins.

Aloe Vera Part Used: Inner gel fillet
Helps improve absorption of nutrients in intestinal system, laxative,
vulnerary, antiulcer, absorb toxins, regulate intestinal flora.

Astragalus Part Used: Root
Energy booster; adrenal, lung and digestive support, Immune stimulant, tumor growth inhibitor, support in chemotherapy side effects reduction; tonic action, Natural interferon support.

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Bee Pollen
Contains several vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes; used
to support energy, stamina and strength.

Bilberry Part Used: Berry
Supports vision in healthy people and has been used by those with eye
diseases such as pigmentary retinitis and diabetic retinopathy.

Black Cohosh Part Used: Root
Aids in regulating menses, hormonal balancer, reduces discomfort in
menstrual and ovarian cramping; antispasmodic; used by those with muscular
rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis.

Black Walnut Part used: Hulls & Leaf
Used for intestinal worms; antiseptic, hemorrhoid relief; source of natural
iodine; blood purifier; used both internally and topically.

Boneset Part Used: Herb
Laxative, stimulant and expectorant properties; Used for fevers and
influenza related symptoms, bitter action for liver, bowel and gall bladder.

Boswellia Serrata Used as an anti-inflammatory

Buchu Part Used: Leaves
Used as an acute catarrh, diuretic, urinary antiseptic; cystitis,
urethritis, prostatis.

Burdock Parts Used: Root, herb, seeds, fruit
Alterative effects on blood and urinary systems; internal and topical usage
for skin eruptions; appetite and digestive aide, supports gout, arthritis,
rheumatism; natural source of iron.

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Catuaba Part Used: Bark
Stimulant used as tonic for sexual impotence.

Cayenne Parts Used: Fruit & Seeds
Affects circulatory and digestive systems, aids in rheumatism and
inflammatory ailments, reduces nausea from sea sickness; tonic used
extensively with nutritional support to blood and circulatory system.

Cascara Sagrada Part Used: Bark
Laxative, chronic constipation, liver complaints, hemorrhoids;

Chamomile Part Used: Flowers of Plant
Gentle sedative, helpful in insomnia and anxiety; anti-inflammatory,
antiseptic, antimicrobial; diaphoretic and carminative, gentle for children,
helps menstrual discomfort.

Chapparal Part Used: Crushed Fresh Leaves
Antiseptic, antibiotic, parasiticide; used by Indians as a topical
application for wounds, sores and bites.

Chickweed Part Used: Herb
Eyewash, expectorant, internal inflammation, demulcent, refrigerant;
external swellings, early use as nutritional support for blood poisoning.

Comfrey Part Used: Root
Topical used for cuts, burns, skin ulcers; demulcent, vulnerary, absorb
toxins, has laxative properties

Cornsilk Part Used: Dried Silk of Corn
Aids in relief of kidney ailments: stones, diuretic, bed-wetting, etc.; rich
in mucilage, soothes and protects inflamed and irritated internal tissue.
Used as a cardiac stimulant.

Couch Grass Part Used: Rhizome
Useful in dissolving small kidney and bladder deposits, soothes inflamed and
irritated internal tissue; antimicrobial; aid to enlarged prostate.

Cranberry Part Used: Berry
Urinary tract support: infections, cystitis; antibacterial.


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Damiana Leaves Part Used: Leaf
Used as a diuretic, laxative, blood purifier, expectorant; aphrodisiac,

Dandelion Leaf Part Used: Leaf
Liver, gout, diuretic, tonic; natural source of potassium; blood sugar
assistant, helps reduce blood pressure, acidity.

Dandelion Root Part Used: Root
Laxative, tonic, diuretic; used for liver and spleen ailments, heartburn,
gout, eczema, rheumatism; used to fight anemia because of its iron, calcium,
and trace mineral content.

Devils Claw Part Used: Secondary root tubers only.
Anti-inflammatory effect, antiviral; relief for symptoms of arthritis,
rheumatism. Avoid during pregnancy.

Dong Quai Part Used: Root
Uterine tonic, estrogenic, antispasmodic, alterative, liver tonic, affects
reproductive, structural and circulatory systems. Popular Chinese herb used
in mental acuity and to help relieve symptoms of daily stress and mental
fatigue; In female reproduction, supports organs, blood and helps with hot


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Echinacea Part Used: Root
Has bacteriostatic and fungistatic properties, used to build resistance to
infections of respiratory and digestive tracts. Antiseptic for lymphatic
system, tonsillitis, blood poisoning also used to help those with hay fever
and other allergies.

Elecampane Part Used: Root
Used as an expectorant to help those with respiratory disorders including
asthma and bronchitis; diuretic, promotes perspiration and eliminates

Ephedra Part Used: Herb
Used as a cardiac and central nervous system stimulant; elevates blood
pressure; bronchodilator, asthma, hayfever, emphysema - use in moderation

Evening Primrose Parts Used: Flowers and seeds
Antispasmodic, contains G.L.A, used in those with Multiple Sclerosis; used
in weight loss, hormone balancing, menopause and PMS.

Eyebright Part Used: Herb
Eyewash, anti-inflammatory; draws out secretions and discharges,
anticatarrhal, sinusitis; used in jaundice, loss of memory and vertigo,
topically used in conjunctivitis (pink eye).


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Fennel Part Used: Seed
Anti-inflammatory, stomachic, gentle for children and adults for diarrhea,
flatulence and colic; increases lactation; used as a carminative and to
suppress appetite.

Feverfew Used as a migraine headache preventative and an anti-inflammatory
agent; used to promote menses in those with amenorrhea.

Fo-ti Part Used: Root
Anti-inflammatory, vasodilator; acts as a diuretic, liver and kidney tonic,
cardio tonic and sexual tonic; excellent blood nourisher, has been used in
memory support and mental depression.


Garlic Part Used: Bulb
Acts as a stimulant, diaphoretic, expectorant, antiviral, antibacterial
antispasmodic, nervine, carminative, vulnery; quickens circulation, helps to
expel intestinal worms, used for high blood pressure & blood cholesterol;
immune support for respiratory system, helps for colds, flu, and coughs,
source of natural germanium.

Green Tea Anticarcinogenic,
Immune enhancing properties, mineral nutrients.

Guarana Astringent;
Due to high caffeine count acts as a stimulant.

Lowers bowel transit time and acts as a cholesterol lowering agent.

Ginger Part Used: Rootstock
Eases colds and soothes sore throats, helps those with motion sickness,
morning sickness, indigestion, diarrhea, nausea and colic.

Ginkgo Biloba Part Used: Leaf Extract
Supports healthy circulation and peripheral blood flow, has a positive
effect on mental clarity and performance; used in Europe for short term
memory loss, mild depression, vertigo.

(panax) Part Used: Roo
A demulcent, helpful for coughs, colds, chest congestion, inflammatory
illnesses, nausea and vomiting relief; stimulates immune function, the
brain, heart and general metabolism.

(Korean) Part Used: Root

Male and female tonic, natural aphrodisiac, strengthens gonads, regulates
low blood pressure, increases energy, endurance and stamina, elevates blood
pressure, not for women with cysts.

(Siberian) Part Used: Root

Used to enhance endurance, regulate blood sugar stimulate immune function,
said to stimulate adrenal and thyroid hormones.

Goldenseal Part Used: Root
Vasoconstriction effects, helps decrease nausea, remedy for colds, stomach
and liver troubles, has been used as a laxative; used in stomach ulcers;
assists digesting by stimulating the production of bile.

Gotu-Kola Part Used: Herb
Acts as a sedative and diuretic; aids in reduction of excess fluids,
decreases fatigue and depression, increase sex drive and stimulates the
central nervous system; may neutralize blood acids and lower body
temperature, and is good for heart and liver function; has antibiotic
activity, is bactericidal, fungicidal and insecticidal; speeds wound

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Hawthorne Part Used: Berries
Used as a heart tonic for both high and low blood pressures, provides
support to heart and circulatory system, improves oxygen utilization,
stimulates increased enzyme metabolism in the heart muscle.

Hops Part Used: Flowers
Used as a calmative, nervine, stomachic, sedative and hypnotic; used to
reduce pain internally or topically, helps with insomnia, headaches and
anxiety. Do not use with depression regularly or continuously.

Horsetail Part Used: Grass
Is a urinary astringent that helps control incontinence and tone kidneys and
bladder; contains begetail silica for hair, skin and nails.


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Juniper Part Used: Berries
Mild stimulant, diuretic, antiseptic with cystitis. Not to be used with
kidney disease.


Kola Nut Part Used: Nut
Stimulant, diuretic, may be used in moderation for depression and migraines
(contains caffeine).

Kudzu Part Used: Root
Used to decrease blood alcohol and acetaldehyde levels.

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Licorice Part Used: Root
Soothe sore throats, acts as a cough suppressant, expectorant, laxative;
also used for ulcers, inhibits the growth of harmful viruses and acts to
stimulate adrenal glands. Not for high blood pressure, pregnancy or if

Lobelia Part Used: Leaves
Antispasmodic, antiasthmatic, diaphoretic, expectorant, sedative, used for
asthma, whooping cough, bruises, ulcers, inflammations, sprains, ringworm
and swelling. In large doses is a purgative and is potentially toxic.


Ma Huang / Ephedra Part Used: Herb
Used as a cardiac and central nervous system stimulant; elevates blood
pressure; bronchodilator, asthma, hayfever, emphysema - use in moderation

Milk Thistle Part Used: Leaf
Is an antioxidant, regenerator to the liver on a cellular level; use on
those with hepatitis, drug and alcohol abuse and on environmental pollution.

(spearmint or peppermint) Part Used: Leaf
Useful to ease upset stomach, gastrointestinal disturbances, anxiety,
restlessness, tension and tension headaches. Never ingest any type of pure
mint oil.

Motherwort Part Used: Herb
Antispasmodic, sedative for anxiety; Emmenagogue, heart tonic, dissolves

Mura-Puama Part Used: Root
Astringent, aphrodisiac, diarrhea.


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Nettle Part used: Leaf
Blood purifier, laxative, diuretic; used to increase liver and kidney
function; antispasmodic and expectorant.

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Oats (panax) Part Used: Seed
Nervine for stress, sedative, restorative, tonic for impotence, cardiac
tonic, antidepressant.


Parsley Part Used: Leaf
Affects urinary and digestive systems; aids in flatulence, carminative.

Passion Flower Part Used: Herb
Used as a sedative to help with nervous tension and insomnia; supports
relief of smooth muscle spasms.

Pau D'Arco Part Used: Inner Bark
Historically used in South America to fight skin infections and support
immune system.

Peppermint Part Used: Leaf Extract
Has stomachic and carminative properties, known to help upset stomachs, used for intestinal gas as a diarrhea inhibitor and for indigestion

Propolis Used for immune system support as an antibacterial and antiseptic.

Pumpkin Part Used: Seed
Natural source of zinc and linolenic acid, soothes inflamed tissues, used
with a diuretic, demulcent and purgative.

Pygeum Used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory for the prostate.

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Red Clover Part Used: Blossoms
Has diuretic, expectorant, antispasmodic and strogenic properties, used for
bronchial congestion, to relax nerves, externally.

Red Raspberry Part Used: Leaf
Used as a female tonic to relieve excessive menstrual flow, helps nausea,
tones uterus in preparation for childbirth, gargle for sore throats, canker
sores; astringent with diarrhea, stomach, bowel; nutritive, mineral source.

Rhubarb Part Used: Root
Antispasmodic, appetite stimulant, astringent, tonic, bitter, laxative

(mushroom) Used to protect and enhance the immune, cardiovascular and
nervous systems, aids in cholesterol reduction.

Rose Hips Part Used:
Hips High in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin
C, ease stress, infection, diarrhea, thirst and gastritis.

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Sarsaparilla Part Used: Root
Blood purifier, recommended to relieve symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis,
diuretic, digestive enhancer; antiseptic, alterative.

Saw Palmetto Part Used: Berries
Increase male fertility, prostate support, increase breast size in women,
relieve inflammation and pain of benign prostatic hypertrophy.

Schizandra Part Used: Fruit
Tonic for lung, blood, kidney, antidepressant; anaphrodisiac, stamina; Do
not use if epileptic, hypertension, highly acidic system.

Skullcap Part Used: Herb
Effective nervine, relaxes nervous tension, antibacterial, sedative.

(mushroom) Used to lessen the side effects of terminal diseases and their
treatments as in chemotherapy.

Slippery Elm Part Used: Inner Bark
Used as a poultice for wounds and burns; soothes mucous membranes of lungs and gastrointestinal tract; helps inflamed membranes in stomach, kidney, bowels and urinary tract.

St. John's Wort Part Used: Herb
Anti-inflammatory, astringent, gentle sedative, stress, menopause and
natural antidepressant; vulnerary, used with wounds, cuts healing.

Suma Part Used: Root
Anabolic and general immune enhancement, adaptogen, tonic aphrodisiac,
general wound healing.

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Uva Ursi Part Used: Herb
Used as a urinary astringent, to correct bedwetting, to help dissolve kidney stones, high in beta-carotene.


Valerian Part Used: Root
Used as a nervine, antispasmodic and stomachic; sedative, mild tranquilizer,
used for insomnia. Avoid Overuse.

Vitex Part Used: Berry
Female hormonal balancer, PMS discomfort, menopause, hot flashes, aid to
mothers; mild stimulant; teenage acne support.


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White Willow Part Used: Bark
Original natural source of "Aspirin" before synthesized as a drug; pain
reliever, fever reducer, antacid; antispasmodic, antiseptic, astringent,
tonic and febrifuge.

Wild Yam Part Used: Root
Has compounds similar in chemical structure to steroids; anti-inflammatory,
hepatic, colic, congestion; antispasmodic, abdominal and intestinal
irritation, dysmenorrhea, ovarian pain, uterine tonic.




Yellow Dock Part Used: Root
Natural source of organic iron, tonic to skin psoriasis and skin disease;
alterative, purgative.

Yohimbe Part Used: Root
Aphrodisiac, sexual impotence; stimulates blood flow to genital region.

Yucca Part Used: Extract from Plant
Used to break up obstructions, reduce inflammation in joints including
arthritis and rheumatism.

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